Le mardi 31 janvier 2012 à 15:45 +0100, Romain d'Alverny a écrit :
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 23:29, Michael Scherer <m...@zarb.org> wrote:
> > Unfortunately, that's not really the opinion of the sourceforge lawyers.
> Where is this opinion documented? Are there source/reference/details
> about said copyright infringement reports? 

That's what I ask, did someone checked with sf why it was removed.

> (without which the claim
> does not stand) I could not find on the old site, neither on the new
> one, neither through a quick Google search.


"The original StarDict project has recently been removed from
SourceForge due to copyright infringement reports. Most of the files
were lost with the demise of the project. The project has re-emerged
here since then, though the legal issues may never have been resolved.".

Based on this, I assume that it was removed by sf, and I also assume
that their lawyers decided it because that's the only logical reason. 

Another user ( in the sens sf user ) cannot ask to remove ( or at least,
not without sf approval, hence we go back on remove by sourceforge
people ).

Someone asking for copyright claims could ask, but again, this would
have been checked by sf lawyers.

Technically, someone owning the project could remove it, but since
"most of the files were lost", I assume that the removal was not
intended. So either this was done by someone else, ( hence back to
previous cases ), or the owner managed to remove the files from his hard
drive, his backup, sourceforge website and sourceforge backup in one go
( so unlikely to be done by error ). hence my conclusion.

In any case, there was copyright claims serious enough to shutdown the
project, meaning that someone filled the claims. And I think that's
serious enough to warrant a proper verification.
Michael Scherer

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