I keep updating URLs and SOURCEs - the initial bug-request was there https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3035 (I have reviewed initially 2,500 source-packages).
1) stardict does not appear in the list
2) why maintainers are not been contacted for all those problems ?

So what do you think about the future of StarDICT? I was looking at the projects and I'm a little bit affraid of the licenses and patents. For example GoldenDict is said to support Babylon - and this can be problematic with patents.

For me StarDict is a dead project and I was looking for a successor.
There is no information on the "copyright infringement" and the tarball that can be downloaded on the new site are exactly the same as the old ones ! So the first possibility is: there was truly a copyright problem and there is still (this may be proved in the future if the copyright owner ask to close again the project) ; second possibility: there was no copyright problem (but a more obscure one), but, still, the project is not very active.

So if GoldenDict present, at this time, no license or patent problem and is actively developed : it can be a better choice. Import freeze for mageia 2 will be in march, so I think we have a little time to think about it to choose the best solution for mageia 2 and test it (bugs...) before release.
Let's take the week for discussion.

you reviewed the dicts if they are legally used?
I checked for almost all dict : they are GPL or "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence (V3.0)". Just 1 as to be modified (quick-deu-eng) or simply removed. I'll do that in the week. I think url information may not be good, but I did not see the point of rebuilding 200 packages just for that (taking into account the fact that dictionaries are not code : they do not evolve).


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