On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 19:47, Thomas Backlund <t...@mageia.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> So RC (and final) are getting closer, as usual the livecds are
> problematic to get nice contents, while staying within the 700M limit
> Files are:
> *.langs      - Supported languages on the CD
> *.lst        - installed package list, sorted alphabetically
> *.lst.full   - installed packages list, sorted by size

Is it the real size?

Looking at GNOME CD, libgweather is one of the biggest with 92MB,
while it should not take much installed space (most of the size is
from the translation of locations, about 1MB per locale)
On my system with en/de/es/fr/zh locales it takes less than 10MB

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