Donald Gimp is one of those packages that I think would be ok to remove from the Live CD's, if something will replace it at least to some extent such as Shotwell.

What's Hugin?

On 29/04/12, David W. Hodgins:
Looking at the list, the first one I would consider removing is
inkscape.  I'ts large, a leaf package, and doesn't look like
something that a lot of people would use.

As for Inkscape I think that's a good idea to remove.

On 29/04/12, Sander Lepik:
What about LibreOffice? LiveCD is mostly for testing. And LO doesn't change much in time. Do we really need to keep it on LiveCDs? Maybe some smaller alternative for it? Calligra for example? We would save a lot of space.

As for LibreOffice I think that should stay on the CD, because certain users will want to use that on the CD. In fact recently someone from my LUG tried out Mageia 1 Gnome and KDE, from Live CD's, and trying out LibreOffice was part of the Mageia 1 review that was sent to the LUG mailing list. I assume they tried LibreOffice from Live CD.

Here's a reason why I think LibreOffice should stay on the CD's of Mageia for probably many releases to come: Yes since Mageia is giving LibreOffice full official support, and to do so, it has to be on the Live CD's, in my opinion.

Calligra uses Qt so I guess that would mean the Gnome Live CD would require Qt installed on it, to run it, so I guess as a result that's out. Unless the KDE and Gnome versions start having some differences when it comes to additional software.

There are apps that could be used together to replace LibreOffice for many tasks, such as Abiword and Gnumeric, and so on.

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