On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 21:10, Thomas Backlund <t...@mageia.org> wrote:
> 29.04.2012 22:57, Pascal Terjan skrev:
>> On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 19:47, Thomas Backlund <t...@mageia.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> So RC (and final) are getting closer, as usual the livecds are
>>> problematic to get nice contents, while staying within the 700M limit
>>> Files are:
>>> *.langs      - Supported languages on the CD
>>> *.lst        - installed package list, sorted alphabetically
>>> *.lst.full   - installed packages list, sorted by size
>> Is it the real size?
> Hmmm, it's actually full rpm size... so the list is only somewhat useful...
>> Looking at GNOME CD, libgweather is one of the biggest with 92MB,
>> while it should not take much installed space (most of the size is
>> from the translation of locations, about 1MB per locale)
>> On my system with en/de/es/fr/zh locales it takes less than 10MB
> Yep. the list does not account for stripped locales...

This should be more useful:

rpm -qa --qf "[%{NAME} %{FILESIZES} %{FILESTATES}\n]" | awk
'{if($3==0) {s[$1]+=$2}} END{for (p in s){print s[p],p}}' | sort -n

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