On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 09:40:27AM +0200, Anne Nicolas wrote:
> want. So let start proposals here and discussion. Please add all
> explanations to your proposal.

I prefer a GNOME DVD of max 4GB in size, so it will still fit on a 4GB
USB stick. The GNOME DVD should have all of the software for task-gnome
(not just task-gnome-minimal). IMO it should also install task-gnome.

Apparently some people mix and match or something, but although I've
used KDE in the past, often I don't have even qt installed. I do know
the mix and matching seems to get e.g. Gimp on KDE.

A KDE edition and a GNOME edition just seems easier to me.

All available languages should also be on this DVD. I assume 4GB is
enough for this, but I don't know.

A live CD, IMO 800MB CD-Rs are available and not expensive. I really
wonder how many people still burn cds though. I always just use an USB
stick. The benefit is quicker download speed, so 800MB is (IMO) a good
size (ideally 1GB, but that is too much for a CD).


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