Op woensdag 19 september 2012 11:31:13 schreef Thomas Backlund:
> I'd suggest for livecds:
> 2 liveCDs:
> - 1 GNOME 700M i586 - english only - for FOSDEM & co
> - 1 KDE   700M i586 - english only - for FOSDEM & co
> 4 liveDVDs:
> - 1 GNOME DVD i586   - all locales-*
> - 1 GNOME DVD x86_64 - all locales-*
> - 1 KDE   DVD i586   - all locales-*
> - 1 KDE   DVD x86_64 - all locales-*

i like your proposal the best, but with small addendum:

no QA: (but often tested, so this works out ok) (autogenerated?)
2  - boot (32/64)
2  - boot nonfree (32/64)

1  - dual arch CD nonfree
2  - DVD installer with nonfree option (32/64)

1  - liveDVD/USB dual arch KDE nonfree
1  - liveDVD/USB dual arch Gnome nonfree
2  - liveCD KDE english only (32)
2  - liveCD Gnome english only (32)

total 9 iso's to be tested, of which 3 of them will need more testing due to 
dual arch; (and perhaps the nonfree option will need a bit of extra testing 
too in the DVD in the 2 DVD installer isos).

i don't think it can be any shorter than this...

Personally only 3 isos are important:
- dual arch CD nonfree (it's only for advanced users, mostly used for servers, 
so need hardware raid firmware and network firmware; don't care about graphic 
drivers; and i also can use it as a rescue CD, that means i only need one CD 
in my coat inner pocket at all times)
- 64bit DVD install (preferably nonfree) for desktop installs.
- boot nonfree (64bit) for PXE installs and such

after this,if people want more and there IS resources, people can make more 
iso's like with edu selection or whatnot...

speaking of dual arch CD; i'm missing iproute2 & bridge-utils (commands: ip 
(mostly for vlan support) and brctl) in the rescue

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