Am 19.09.2012 09:40, schrieb Anne Nicolas:
Hi there

So here is the discussion about what isos we should keep or have for
final release. We had several (many!) proposals on that topics and we
need to take some decisions.

Here are some prerequisites I can see for what I can read in comments
and review about Mageia on the web.

- provide a full open source software version
- provide CD iso(s) so that it can be quick to download (people having
low band-width or paying depending how much they use it)
- provide live version(s)
- decrease isos number. QA is just a hell on the set we had for Mageia 2
- provide localization as large as possible
- provide isos including major drivers including proprietary one to make
it easier to install and configure

Here is my proposal:
2 DVDs (32 and 64 bit)
2 LiveCDs KDE (32/64 bit)
2 LiveCDs GNOME (32/64 bit)
2 USB KDE (32/64 bit) ~1GB large (same as LiveCDs but with all languages)
2 USB GNOME (32/64 bit) ~1GB large (same as LiveCDs but with all languages)
1 dual arch CD
11 ISOs instead of 19 (the current state)

Only 2 LiveCDs per DE: Just put the most used languages or maybe only English on it. LiveCDs are usefull to check if everything is supported and bugfree or as a rescue system. This can be done with english as well. If you install the LiveCD a language selection could be used to download the preferred language.

4 USB Images:
Nearly the same as the LiveCDs but as an USB-Image. So we are more flexible with the size of the ISOs. I guess ~1GB is usefull, as you can put all languages on it but is still small enough for a quick download or for restricted bandwidth ...

2 DVDs as it it now

If we try to focus on USB-Images, we may get rid of the 64bit LiveCD Images.


Keep in mind that what you want is not necessarily what another one
want. So let start proposals here and discussion. Please add all
explanations to your proposal.

Let say we take one week on this so until 26/09 then we will make a
final proposal


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