On Wed, Feb 06, 2013 at 10:35:12AM +0100, EatDirt wrote:
> On 06/02/13 09:52, Olav Vitters wrote:
> >By default Mageia 3 should only have journalctl. Optionally you can
> >still install rsyslog. Any syslog package will store the same
> >information as journalctl does. Installing this by default provides
> >little benefit, so it was decided that we only do journalctl by default.
> >If installed, you double the storage used for logs.
> Something I mentioned a while ago is the memory resources taken by
> systemd-journald vs rsyslog; it is an order of magnitude greater.
> We don't care with modern machines, but I would let the option
> available for old small RAM computers (or reduce the systemd-journal
> mem resources).

Are you sure that there still is a problem? There were some bugs that
have been fixed months ago. Aside from that the memory usage could be
off as journal uses mmap.

But systemd always uses the journal (not runtime configurable IIRC), so
best to make it efficient. It should also somehow be low maintenance.
Meaning: maybe it will use less memory when there is less available


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