'Twas brillig, and eatdirt at 09/02/13 15:18 did gyre and gimble:
>> Are you sure that there still is a problem? There were some bugs that
>> have been fixed months ago. Aside from that the memory usage could be
>> off as journal uses mmap.
>> But systemd always uses the journal (not runtime configurable IIRC), so
>> best to make it efficient. It should also somehow be low maintenance.
>> Meaning: maybe it will use less memory when there is less available
>> (guessing)?
> I don't know about mmap, but that's what a top gives on the current cooker:
>  326 root       1   0 1064m  37m  36m S    0  1.9   0:14.73 systemd-journal
> even though it is only virtual, that's sound crazy to go up 1GB.
> rsyslog never goes above 1M.

The virtual size is more or less irrelevant for judging how much memory
it actually uses. In some cases it does help identify some leaks (tho'
not classic memory leaks - more mmap leaks - found and fixed one of
those a while back).

It is a little higher than I'd expect all the same tho'. I'll double
check that no regressions have snuck in on the mmap window caching stuff.



Colin Guthrie

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