I hope I'm one of the targeted audience members for the book.  I've
used hadoop, done clustering (not with Mahout), have read about
collaborative filtering, and plan on using Mahout in a business
intelligence setting in 1-2 years.  However, I've never used Mahout
itself.  What I would like to see is more of a cookbook style.  I want
to know the whys, not just the hows.  Why should I normalize data in a
certain way before clustering it, what happens if I don't, etc....
I've read Collective Intelligence in Action and found it pretty much
useless - I don't need another survey on the topic.  Instead, I want
to know the ins and outs of mahout so that when I go to sell it to
someone I can answer any and all of their questions around it.  If you
want an introductory chapter on the topics, that is fine, but keep
them short and point to other materials.


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