That is indeed how I am positioning it in this draft  book proposal --
it's for a 'Mahout in Action' book from Manning. They want to
understand why this wouldn't be just another Collective Intelligence
in Action (which I do think is quite a good book, at least, I learned
a good deal about Lucene from it.)

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Tanton Gibbs <> wrote:
> I hope I'm one of the targeted audience members for the book.  I've
> used hadoop, done clustering (not with Mahout), have read about
> collaborative filtering, and plan on using Mahout in a business
> intelligence setting in 1-2 years.  However, I've never used Mahout
> itself.  What I would like to see is more of a cookbook style.  I want
> to know the whys, not just the hows.  Why should I normalize data in a
> certain way before clustering it, what happens if I don't, etc....
> I've read Collective Intelligence in Action and found it pretty much
> useless - I don't need another survey on the topic.  Instead, I want
> to know the ins and outs of mahout so that when I go to sell it to
> someone I can answer any and all of their questions around it.  If you
> want an introductory chapter on the topics, that is fine, but keep
> them short and point to other materials.
> Thanks!
> Tanton

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