On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> MAHOUT-185      Add mahout shell script for easy launching of various 
> algorithms

+1, if even because I hate trying to remember the command-line
arguments for mvn exec:java. It becomes much easier to write
documentation/examples if it is easy to launch the algorithms and/or

> MAHOUT-215      Provide jars with mahout release.

+1 working on this now.

> MAHOUT-153      Implement kmeans++ for initial cluster selection in kmeans

Would be nice to see, I believe two different people are working on
it, but I haven't seen any patches.

> MAHOUT-237      Map/Reduce Implementation of Document Vectorizer


I'd like to get the LLR Collocation finder in there too, but we'll
have to see how much time I have to work on that wrt to the release
timeframe. Perhaps the simpler version that's available in the current
patch if I don't get to the refactoring.


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