Am 04.01.21 um 21:49 schrieb Terri Oda:
> Happy new year everyone! 

Happy new year, too!

I've been working on installing mailman3 in several environments where postfix 
integration is a bit tricky (mailman
server is different from postfix mail server, we're using docker in one case) 
so the handling of lookup maps via files
is a pain. On one installation I had to rsync generated maps from the mailman 
machine to the mail sever, on the other
one I'm still struggling to understand why postfix won't open the NFS-shared 
files having mode 0660 even though uid matches.

So my GSoC proposal is: Provide postfix_domains, postfix_lmtp, postfix_vmap 
access using the socketmap interface.

Socketmap ( is one way of 
providing maps to Postfix without sharing files.
Writing a socketmap server should be easy enough but could be very helpful for 
multi-server setups.

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