On Mon, Jan 04, 2021 at 12:49:58PM -0800, Terri Oda wrote:
> I'm starting to prep Python for GSoC 2021, and I wanted to issue the
> usual invitation that we'd be happy to have Mailman as a sub-org if
> anyone wants to do GSoC this year.  (Mailman's been fine as a separate
> org, but I have to do the paperwork for Python anyhow so I figured I'd
> offer if there's interest but no one wants to cover the admin side of
> things.)

Just a thought, but implementing Marius's feature proposal below would
be very welcome (in my view, at least).  Might it be something an
ambitious GSoC student could manage?


----- Forwarded message from Marius Ghita -----

Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2021 02:16:38 +0200
From: Marius Ghita <ghita.v.mar...@gmail.com>
To: mailman-developers@python.org
Subject: [Mailman-Developers] Feature request, selective participatory threads
Message-ID: <cafszzzxybfkzrquwftrqvo3fa4kvekokz7tso8mt81xkhx_...@mail.gmail.com>


I'm generally a Mailman user through all the open-source projects that
require a user to join a mailing list before contributing to a
project. As a user that occasionally contributes patches/PRs to random
repositories, my mailing list subscriptions are short-lived because I
always get more emails than I need.

To that end, I would propose a new feature for Mailman to allow the
user to be more selective with the emails it receives.

The following scenarios are those that would work best for me.

1. If I send an email to a mailing list, any follow-up emails to that
thread are sent to my inbox as well.  2. If a user sends an email
through the mailing list that CCs/BCCs me I get all the follow-up
emails in that thread as well.  3. Maybe -- and this one is more of an
idea than something that I would actually use -- a generated email in
the mail archive web view for each thread, to which I could send an
email and be subscribed to any follow-up emails to that thread.

For me, this feature would make emails more manageable, and have them
behave like subscriptions to individual issues on issue trackers.

My Python is rusty, at best, but I would be happy to help implement
this feature in Mailman.
Mailman-Developers mailing list -- mailman-developers@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to mailman-developers-le...@python.org
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----- End forwarded message -----

A: When it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: When is top-posting a bad thing?

()  ASCII ribbon campaign. Please avoid HTML emails & proprietary
/\  file formats. (Why? See e.g. https://v.gd/jrmGbS ). Thank you.
Mailman-Developers mailing list -- mailman-developers@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to mailman-developers-le...@python.org
Mailman FAQ: https://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3

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