Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 1/20/21 9:54 AM, wrote:
> > Hi
> > Yes, I receive the logging with:
> > subaddress: None, queue: in
> > And then I have another few lines of logging, with nothing relevant ending 
> > up in 
> > Connection lost during _handle_client()
> > That is normal.
> > If I send with the prefix owner, after the same line
> > I have a line saying:
> > envsender:, 
> > recipients:
> > [''], size(msgtext): 464
> > This one comes from mailman/mta/ when the message is being
> sent to the recipients. Since you don't see that, the message never gets
> this far.
> Since mail to -owner works, the incoming runner is processing the 'in'
> queue so something happens between the message being picked up from the
> 'in' queue and delivery.
> First, check Mailman's
> bin/mailman members --regular --nomail enabled
returns two users. Mine that is also owner and another one that only subscribed 
the mailing list

> where is the actual list id to ensure there are members
> who should receive the mail. Then check Mailman's mailman.log and
> debug.log for clues. You may need to set
> [logging.debug]
> level: debug
> [logging.error]
> level:debug
> To get more logging.

Everything logging. No errors.

core/ (enqueue)
Is this method that handles the queue?
I'm logging the entire method, and on line 135 Im logging msgsave variable.
And it's filled with some data
After that, I receive DISCARD from chains/

If I send with prefix owner, I receive also from chains/ OWNER:. ....
here I believe that is the expected behavior.
After this, it runs again enqueue and anything else. No DISCARD or anything

What happens before chains that could DISCARD the message?
Could it be any misconfiguration of my part? 

Wich methods can I check to debug whats happening?

Thank you very much
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