anyone on any of my lists who files a spam complaint against my mail list gets unsubscribed. when they resubscribe and complain about being dropped, they get The Lecture and The Warning. If they send a second round of spam complaints, they get unsubscribed and banned.

Funny, AOL users learn quickly once it's in their best interest to use the software right. Well, except for one or two. Now, I'm not happy I have to spend my time teaching AOL users how to use their software properly because it's badly designed and AOL doesn't teach then, but....

I had an extreme case of this last week. A user filed about five spam complaints with AOL against one of my lists. I unsubscribed her. She resubscribed immediately without sending any email at all. So I sent her the Lecture and the Warning via email. that bounced because of her address book sendings. So she got unsubscribed again to get her notice, and I SMTP blocked her with a 500 message telling her to contact me via another address.

Her response: attempt to subscribe again. The confirmation, of course, was rejected by my server, and that rejection, of course, bounced because of her spam blocking settings. And so we sit. One might think, if stuff like this were happening, to actually e-mail the ADMIN asking what the hell's going on -- but no?

And frankly, that's not MY problem. Not any more. Not after all these AOL users doing stupid things because AOL writes software to encourage it...

chuq (but I'm not bitter!)

On Nov 4, 2003, at 7:54 AM, Ricardo Kustner wrote:

Are there any other mailmain admins here who also get alot of complaints through AOL? Any tips on what I can do about it before my server and possibly ISP gets blacklisted?

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