On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 12:33:57PM -0500, Vivek Khera wrote:
> Ricardo Kustner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > So my current situation is that my ISP is risking to get blacklisted and 
> > I can't do anything about it except for shutting down the lists or 
> > remove & block all AOL users :(

> Yes, they are at risk.  You had better find a way to unsubscribe those
> folk.  VERP is a good start.

Realistically, though, the threshold is generally pretty high -- it
takes a good amount of mail marked as spam before AOL will block you
(although there is some evidence to suggest that once a certain number
of identical messages have been marked as spam, AOL will silently make
the rest "disappear").

I get stuff of this sort about our discussion lists via our AOL
"feedback loop" all the time. Generally, I just ignore it. AOL
subscribers mark *all* kinds of stuff as spam, so I take complaints
from the feedback loop with a much larger grain of salt than an actual
complaint sent to the abuse box.

Just explain to your ISP that the subscribers added themselves via a
closed loop verification process (assuming they did) and that whatever
AOL subscriber is marking the messages as spam has s**t for brains.

"Since when is skepticism un-American?
Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same..."
(Sleater-Kinney - "Combat Rock")

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