At 12:42 PM -0500 2004-08-04, John Price wrote:

        I recommend going to the Mailman FAQ Wizard at
 <>, search for "performance",
 and read the various entries which are returned.  You may want to pay
 special attention to the entries at
 and consider the performance advantages of upgrading to version 2.1.5.

Most of the FAQs are related to mail deliverly. This list only sends one email a day, so that's not an issue. Also, all archiving is turned off, so that's not an issue either.

This is why I pointed out a specific entry which had to do with other things, and mentioned the issue of considering upgrading to 2.1.5, since it is known to resolve certain specific performance problems.

It loads the Python pickles, yes.

Ah, the pickles... I'm sure this is the problem.

 I'm no Python guru, but isn't there a way to keep from
 reading in the entire jar (of pickles) unless you actually
 need to? Maybe I need to ask the developers list instead
 of this one...

I don't think there's any way to keep Mailman from doing this, at least not in any current version. Patches are welcome.

In the meanwhile, if you're having problems of this type, you may need to resort to the command-line oriented methods which are discussed more extensively in the archives.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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