At 4:23 AM -0700 2004-08-16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For instance:
 1) Can you add an html header to the emails?  I still don't get it.
 I read the links you provided, and their sub-links.

You can add a header or footer, but they cannot include HTML. Not all messages posted to the list would necessarily be in HTML, so blindly adding HTML would not make sense. Moreover, due to the way HTML is handled differently by different programs, it would be impossible to add a single piece of HTML that would be seen the same way by everyone.

When you start adding fancy features like HTML and MIME, it becomes impossible to add *anything* of any sort to the message which doesn't risk looking different to some users, or even being completely unreadable to them.

This is why Mailman supports converting HTML and MIME to plain text, but not the other way around.

 2) Is there a way so people subscribing don't go back into that archaic
 interface - when it asks them to accept or decline the list it's flat
 out confusing - text overwhelm - my user base is consumers and not

Nope. Not unless you want to build something better.

  Why should a) they have too choose or deny when they are clicking on
 a link to confirm?

Because sometimes users click on things and didn't mean to?

Haven't you ever accidentally selected the "shutdown" item on your menu, and then been very glad when the machine asked you if this is what you really wanted to do?

                     It should just confirm them without another button
 text and w/o text overwhelm. and b) it takes them back to a list of all
 my lists, which I hate, or at least would like to have the option of
 avoiding, if I am not intending to mix all my subscribers.  I don't
 want them to have the option of joining other groups unless I intend
 to give it to them.

Mailman is not designed to hide everything else on the machine from your users, unless you want to make all those other lists completely hidden from everyone. There is a limit to how much stupidity that Mailman can protect the users from doing to themselves.

Now, if you wanted to contribute code back to the project to do this sort of thing, I'm sure that Barry would be glad to accept whatever patches you might have, and there might be some hope that they'd be included in some future version.

 3) I don't understand if you can attach PDFs where it says, i.e. to
 new subscribers, etc.  When I attach one, it just inserts garble into
 the text box once the PDF file is uploaded.  I can't tell if this is
 an error, or what, and if I can include additional text.

I don't understand what you're asking. Can you be more clear?

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  SAGE member since 1995.  See <> for more info.
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