At 02:22 PM 8/20/2004 -0700, you wrote:
Jeff Barger wrote:
>On Aug 20, 2004, at 4:22 PM, Richard Barrett wrote:
>> Am I alone in taking exception to people posting to this list and then
>> having some crap software intercepting the responses they have
>> solicited from the list's subscribers.
>Nope, I expect that's a pretty crowded room :)

For the record. I'm in there too.

In fairness to the OP, he may not be aware of this, but I wish people
could understand that autoresponders, mandatory white lists and so
forth are not compatible with mailing list participation.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

Thank you for your clarification. I had no idea - why would I? - that signing up for a mailing list would generate all these individual e-mails coming in from people, as opposed emails coming from the list itself. Had I known that - given that I am using my ISP's spamblocker software - would have never signed up.

Using Mailman - as opposed to some of the other popular list programs has turned into a giant headache. I understand that it is complex and has many parameters, but I did not think it would cause so much trouble. Now I understand why our subsribers are so unhappy with it.

I am signing off this list with apologies, I did not intend to trouble you. I am also immediately starting our migration off Mailman.

BTW, I participate in a number of mailing lists on Yahoo and never had the this happen to me. All the mail - whether individual or digest form - come from a single source, which is enabled on my spamblocker to get through.


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