Matthew A. Marshall wrote:

>Hello, I'm running mailman v2.1.5.  When I attempt to subscribe to a 
>list via the web gui.  I receive the email I need to confirm.  I reply 
>to the email.  The email is received by my mailman server.  I see it in 
>the maillog.   However, after that nothing happens.  I am not added to 
>the list nor a message stating that I have sucessfully subscribed.  Has 
>anyone else had this problem?

The e-mail has a subject of the form

Subject: confirm bfb17fa8cb865644b1d4239335148977d3bc6267

The reply needs to go to the <listname>-request address and it needs to
preserve the subject or possibly make a subject of the form

Subject: Re: confirm bfb17fa8cb865644b1d4239335148977d3bc6267

There is an issue with certain MUAs (MS Outlook) that will make the
subject of the reply

Subject: Re : confirm bfb17fa8cb865644b1d4239335148977d3bc6267

This will not work. I.e. 'confirm' needs to be either the first or the
second "token" following Subject:

See the thread at

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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