Jared Rimer wrote:

>Let me try again.  The mailing list is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  When I 
>send to that list, I get the message I sent to this list back.

Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought the message you posted came back when
you emailed [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>snet the message to mail over to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to alert 
>them to this.  No response.  Is there another address like 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] that I should be sending this to?

No. The bounce you received in response to your post can be handled in
two ways. You can forward it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] just exactly
as you did.

In addition or instead, you can 'redirect/resend/bounce' it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] so it will be properly registered as a
bounce. Note, you have to redirect it in a way that preserves it as
'top level' message. If you can't do that, there is no point in
forwarding it in a way that wraps it in an outer message as it will
simply be an unrecognized bounce when received.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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