At 3:02 PM -0400 2006-06-14, Steve Campbell wrote:

>  2.   Disable the mailman executable from delivering the outgoing mail, but
>  create them in the queue (sort of a sendmail queueonly option). I'm not sure
>  this one is possible, and will kill the entire scheme if not. I see a lot of
>  possible ways this can be done, but I'm not a python programmer yet, so I
>  hope this is do-able.

        This is an MTA configuration issue.  There's nothing here to 
"fix" within Mailman.

>  5.   Move all of this to it's own server.

        That's a pretty big point.  Mailing list servers should not be 
dependent on the normal mail servers, and vice-versa.

        In fact, I suspect that once you move the mailing list handling 
onto a separate server, all the need for any kind of throttling will 
go away completely.

>  Number 2 above is the killer, as I'm not sure if the sendmail alias/piped
>  command would control this, an option in the Mailman configs, or what.

        It's an issue that should be easy enough to fix through modifying 
the configuration file.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  LOPSA member since December 2005.  See <>.
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