At 2:00 PM -0500 12/13/06, Ryan Steele wrote:

>  Here is an excerpt from the mail header:
>>  Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>          by (mail_out_v38_r7.6.) id e.cef.43ab224 (57293);
>>          Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:41:44 -0500 (EST)
>>  Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:41:42 EST

What was in the "To:" header?  What about the envelope sender?  Note 
that this is usually recorded as the "Return-path:" header, or in 
what is sometimes referred to as the "From_" header.

>  And here is a message from Mailman's bounce log:
>  >Dec 13 09:42:38 2006 (2202) bounce message w/no discernable addresses:
>  >Dec 13 09:42:38 2006 (2202) forwarding unrecognized, message-id:
>  For whatever reason, Mailman treated the message-id that AOL gave it as
>  the sender address...thus causing the "Uncaught bounce notification"
>  error.   The actual bounce occurred because it was sent for moderator
>  approval due to the large number of recipients:

No, it seemed to recognize what the message-id header was, but there 
was something else it didn't recognize.  That's what we need to 
figure out.

I helped build the original versions of those machines at AOL, so I'm 
pretty sure I know what they're doing.

>  Thank you for your insight about the RFC's though, Paul.  More
>  disconcerting is the fact that Mailman seemed unable to extract the
>  sender's email address from the bounce?  I'm running 2.1.8, if that's of
>  any concern to the devs out there...

We'd have to look more deeply at all of the headers that were 
actually present, and then we'd have to look through the code paths 
to see what might have resulted in that message.  Without the that 
information, we'd just be taking shots in the dark.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Trend Micro has announced that they will cancel the
mail forwarding service as of 15 November 2006.  If you have an old
e-mail account for me at this domain, please make sure you correct that
with the current address.
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