Allan Odgaard" wrote:
>I don’t think Mailman should use `sys.getdefaultencoding()`. See 
><>. I think instead 
>`locale.getdefaultlocale()` should be used for the  
>CLI commands.

Since sys.getdefaultencoding() is going away, we'll have to do
something ;)

>Though I don’t understand why Mailman has to re-encode all letters to  
>the list encoding. Hopefully it will only do so when the list encoding  
>can actually represent the letter!?!

The process of adding the list header and/or footer to the message
attempts to add these to a text/plain body by coercing the body and
the header/footer to unicode, concatenating them and then coercing
back to the original body charset. If the last step doesn't work, it
will try to coerce to the charset of the list's preferred language.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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