I received a uncaught bounce notification from one of my lists today.
The bounce looks pretty normal, and figured it should have been caught
by the bounce system.  How do I report bounce formats that did not get
caught by the bounce system?


Here is the bounce.  I changed the e-mail address.  And, yes the e-mail
address is currently subscribed to the list.


Hi. The MTA program at mta6-1.us4.outblaze.com was unable to deliver
your message to the following addresses.

This is a permanent error.



Error 01373: User's Disk Quota Exceeded.

Sorry, your intended recipient has too much mail stored

in his mailbox.

Your message totalled  23 Kbytes.

However a small (< 1Kb) message will be delivered should

you wish to inform your recipient you tried to email.


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