* Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>:
> On 2/21/2010 2:15 AM, Stefan Foerster wrote:
> > 
> > Bad news. I was not able to reproduce the problem on a VM, using
> > backups from the day the problem first occured. And worse, this night,
> > while I slept a troubled, disturbed sleep, dreaming of SMTP dialogues,
> > the list roster changed (one new member)- and the problem is gone.
> Since I couldn't understand what possibly caused the problem in the
> first place, I'm not totally surprised.

Good news (kinda) - another list on that server just started to slow
down, and this time, it is a very unimportant and small list (472
members, 466 of them have mail delivery enabled), so I can take all
the time in the world to try and debug this issue.

[instructions for list duplication /SMTP redirection]
> Unfortunately, I don't have any good ideas as to how to proceed from
> there, even if this does duplicate the problem, but Barry indicated he
> has a couple of ideas.

Well, unfortunately, this doesn't reproduce the problem. Neither does
stopping Mailman and copying every single file to another server.
However, restarting Mailman (something I don't do very often) does
_not_ solve the problem, either.

Do you think I can drop Barry a PM off-list and ask him for further
advice if he doesn't read this? I'm really interested in debugging
this, and as I said, this time I really don't care about the list
delivery being slow.

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