On Sat, 2018-03-31 at 19:12 -0400, Richard Damon wrote:
> I think you aren't understanding the munging I am suggesting. If I sent 
> a message that went through your system, (and my setup triggered your 
> munging) would be something like:
> richard_at_damon.family.org_dm...@fmp.com
> This, and exactly this would be the from address for every message I 
> sent through your system to a gmail user. This would be the only address 
> that would get white-listed due to my messages. There should be no 
> additional whitelisting load due to this, unless I also contact them 
> outside your system.

This is an interesting idea.

Lindsay Haisley       |  "Humor will get you through times of no humor
FMP Computer Services |      better than no humor will get you through
512-259-1190          |         times of humor."
http://www.fmp.com    |            - Butch Hancock

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