On 8/27/20 3:41 AM, Jim Popovitch via Mailman-Users wrote:
> On Thu, 2020-08-27 at 17:41 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> The question for you is what benefit there is to anyone in having
>> Mailman 2 maintenance inside the Mailman Project going forward.  
> You mean inside the Mailman3 Project at mailman3.org?  None.
>> The Mailman Project certainly doesn't want to encourage new 
>> installations of Mailman 2.  
> Again, Do you mean the Mailman3 Project at mailman3.org and on the MM3-
> org mailinglists?  If so, fine, move on.

I think Steve is referring to the GNU-Mailman project which is the group
of people, always small and continuously evolving, starting with John
Viega, who've been responsible for the development and maintenance of
Mailman since it's inception.

I'm still not clear on what you (Jim) are really wanting to do. I may be
wrong on this, but I don't see any distros picking up new versions of
Mailman 2.1 unless they come from some 'official' source and so far, the
GNU-Mailman project is the only such source. I'm not even sure that any
distros are planning to package Mailman 2.1.34.

I don't think Steve or I is being 'proprietary' about Mailman per se,
but we are proprietary about the GNU-Mailman project, so the question is
do Jim and possibly others become part of the GNU-Mailman project and
continue to maintain the 2.1 branch on Launchpad or wherever and make
'official' releases, or do they fork the project and hope that their
fork becomes the accepted source for Mailman 2.1.x.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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