On Thu, 2020-08-27 at 17:24 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Brian Carpenter writes:
>  > On 8/26/20 6:25 PM, Carl Zwanzig wrote:
>  > >
>  > > As someone regularly uses and maintains a fair bit of old and antique 
>  > > machinery, MM2 still has a lot of life in it.
> In particular, MM2 L10N supports a couple dozen languages, including
> the major Han languages and dialects, and I think Hebrew and Arabic.
> MM3 supports English, French, German, and now Italian.
>  > MM2 has some life. That is correct. MM3 has far more.
> Thank you both for your support.  Of course, you're both right. ;-)
> Brian, do you see the presence of lots of MM2 installations around the
> 'net as a threat or irritation for you or your business?  I don't see
> that, but you know your business and I don't.  Or are you taking the
> users' point of view, and arguing that the features of Mailman 3 and
> possible risks to Mailman 2 installations make migration the "right
> thing"?
> The point is that I don't see a lot of direct harm to third parties
> from maintaining existing MM2 installations, if their owners are
> willing to accept the risks that come with an unsupported software
> stack.  I don't disagree that for-profit services that offer these are
> irresponsible, but I don't see how that hurts you or us, given that we
> don't support that stack any more.
>  > That is good as long as no major "DMARC" events come along.
> That's a very good point.  There are major risks to using Internet-
> facing applications that lack an experienced, active development team.
> But that's up to the users to decide, while monitoring just how active
> Jim's team turns out to be.

Again with the "Jim's team".  Those other guys, that other group, them
folks....  That's nauseating to hear from you Stephen.

> I think Jim should very much take this to heart, as well as thinking
> about the fact that we get several CVEs a year, which will be his job
> to deal with.  I don't lose sleep over the CVEs (they're all 1s and 2s
> recently, and Mark did almost all the work before I could get started :-),
> but DMARC cost me a lot of sleep.

Stephen, just who do you think did the DMARC research and work in MM2? 
Phil, Mark, care to chime in on this?

-Jim P.

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