On 2/1/21 6:07 AM, steve lund wrote:
> I don't believe that the ISP changed the list configuration recently. So if
> this is NOT a DMARC issue then any other thought as to what it could be?

DMARC mitigations are list settings set by the list admin (you) via the
web admin UI, not by the ISP.

> Also remember that for some unexplained reason I, as the list manager,
> didn't receive the intervening bounce messages either. I don't know if
> these tripped Gmail's "throw it out" SPAM filter or something else
> happened.

Go to the web admin UI Bounce Processing page. Are all the notifications
set to Yes? If so, and you are not receiving The notification on disable
or the notification on bounce increment if that is on, and your address
is correct for owner on the General Options page, then see below.

> While troubleshooting this the ISP guy subscribed one of his bogus email
> addresses to the list to see if I would get the bounce messages. So far I
> did get one of them but Gmail put it in my SPAM box. I drug the message to
> my Forums tab where hopefully when it happens again I will see it.

So it seems the notices are being sent and delivered to your spam
folder. You will need to regularly check that folder for these messages,
or you MAY (I'm not an expert on this) be able to create a filter in
Gmail to deliver them to some other folder, assuming Gmail filters trump
`spam`. For purposes of filtering, these messages are

From: mailman@<list domain>
To: <list_name>-owner@<list domain>
Subject: Bounce action notification

These notices contain a copy of the bounce DSN and are the only way
short of MTA logs that you will know why the messages are bouncing.

If I had to guess though, the next most likely thing after DMARC is the
sending server was blacklisted by some recipient domains.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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