Thank Steve, what is the best link for 2021 GSoC?

I can't quite find it.

My NGO, has lots of experience with crossing that web
forum/email divide. Now that Zope-based is coming to end of
it's useful life (we don't own it but did fund features), we'd love an
opportunity to share what we've learned and some ideas.

(We used Mailman in the Pipermail-only era, and before that
YahooGroups/eGroups and ListProc and even Majordomo when we launched in
1994. We also have experience with Google Groups and Listserv.)

To be honest, with competitive online groups seeking to reach everyday mass
online users, the divide now is more a social media look and feel versus
email divide with web forum expectations. My view is that email
discussions, web forum topics, blog posts, social media posts are all
essentially the same structure - an original topic post that generates
replies/comments ... and that there is nothing wrong with presenting that
information based on user expectations with options to change the view
style to their comfort.

I've stuck with email centric options at the core because they grab
attention and create group bonds that destination social media groups/web
forums don't when the frame is geographic common interest instead of
pre-existing special/niche interest. But we've experienced a huge
generational decline in under 40 members with app expectations (NextDoor)
and Facebook Groups post look and feel expectations.

We care about independent local community spaces online and it's worth
having an alternative!

Please guide us on how to be most useful in sharing some specific ideas
into the Summer of Code.


On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 12:31 AM Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote:

> Mark Sapiro writes:
>  > The list is at <>, but it
>  > isn't prioritized. If what you want isn't there, you can file additional
>  > issues.
> After 2/19 19:00 UTC you can also look at the Mailman Wiki for the
> Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2021 ideas list.  This is biased in two
> ways, first, not all good ideas are of the right scope and content for
> GSoC, and second it will be based on what I personally think is
> appropriate.
> You (and enybody else) are welcome to suggest new ideas based on your
> needs.  The bar is low in the sense that our priorities are actually
> are not very well defined.  We generally throw a bunch of spaghetti at
> the applicants and see what sticks to the ones we judge competent. :-)
> Steve
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