On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 08:40:59AM -0600, Steven Clift wrote:
> [..] there is nothing wrong with presenting that information based
> on user expectations with options to change the view style to their
> comfort.

Maybe recommend that people using your mailing lists use
threading-aware, plain text capable mail clients like Thunderbird
(desktop) or K-9 Mail (mobile)?

One helpful thing you might be able to do for users unused to email is
to give them direct links to constantly-updated mbox archives of the
relevant mailing lists, and instructions for importing those into their
email client to gain local, searchable access to the archives (much as
would be the case upon joining a forum, with the additional benefit of
not needing to be online to perform the searches).

> I've stuck with email centric options at the core because they grab
> attention and create group bonds that destination social media
> groups/web forums don't when the frame is geographic common interest
> instead of pre-existing special/niche interest. But we've experienced
> a huge generational decline in under 40 members with app expectations
> (NextDoor) and Facebook Groups post look and feel expectations.
> We care about independent local community spaces online and it's worth
> having an alternative!

Can I just say thank you for:

- trying to slow or reverse the takeover of independent discussion
  venues by surveillance-industrial-complex social media and advertising

- trying to find ways to keep email and mailing lists accessible and
  meaningful to people who have a very small grasp - and perhaps,
  initially at least, an even smaller interest in - the underlying
  technologies (and the ideals of universal interoperable, accessible
  standards that those technologies represent).

On a few occasions, I have tried to get organisations to use Mailman
instead of proprietary abominations like Slack or MS Teams.  It was not
easy; and in some cases I was not successful.

I wish you the best possible fortune in your endeavours.


A: When it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: When is top-posting a bad thing?

()  ASCII ribbon campaign. Please avoid HTML emails & proprietary
/\  file formats. (Why? See e.g. https://v.gd/jrmGbS ). Thank you.
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