Thanks for the info,

So in working with our server team that latest package for centos7 is 2.1.15, 
However we are  finding out that Rhel back ports for security fixes 
So I am running 2.1.15 with the security patch’s up to and in 2.1.34???  this 
is very interesting and confusion to determine what version you are on.  They 
reason we are doing via packages, is so we can have automated systems that keep 
systems security patched/updated. If were just always install the 
latest/greatest versions of software, then we could encounter other issues.  I 
don’t think we would hit that with mailman though.

Mailman 2.1.34 is the latest correct, is it still being developed? I thought it 
was done and no longer being developed and patched but looking for that stated 

Also I agree, centos7 is ancient BUT it still has support where centos6 
support/patching is ending. There was talk I believe about going to centos8 but 
there are compatibility issues so centos7 was chosen.
I don’t get to choose the server OS…. I just run the mailman.

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