Ivan Tejeiro Izquierdo writes:

 > To summarize Mark and not drive you crazy, what we need is that the
 > person who sends an email to a moderate list, whether or not they
 > belong to the list, receive the email that tells them if their post
 > has been accepted or rejected.

We are unlikely to provide this feature, but if you want to request it
you can create an issue at https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman, and
perhaps a contributor will pick it up.  The closest you can come with
current Mailman is

1.  Use the script Mark mentions to set AcknowledgePosts to True for
    all users.  Note that they can still turn it off.
2.  Tell your moderators that they should use "reject" rather than
    "discard" when refusing a post.
3.  If you have public archives of the list, tell non-subscribers they
    can check if their message was received in the archive.

Here's why we probably will not work on such a feature.

We would prefer not to send any such messages at all, including the
"your post has been held for moderation" message.  They are too easy
to abuse (the poster spoofs a random person's email address, so that
person gets multiple messages about something they didn't even post
from a list they never heard of), and most Internet users don't like
them -- that's why these messages default to off, and we provide a
user option to turn acknowledgments off if the list decides to use

The potential for abuse would be especially bad for automatic
rejection messages to users who are not subscribers, because they have
no way to turn it off.

We do provide the "held for moderation" message because without it
some posters will re-post several times, which is bad for the list for
several reasons.  We provide the "acknowledge post" message for the
convenience of users of email providers like Gmail that do not pass
the list's instance of the message to the user.

If a held message is not posted, there are two options for the
moderator: "reject" and "discard".  The difference is that if a
message is rejected, a short acknowledgment and explanation are sent
to the poster.  A discarded message is simply thrown away.  If the
message is posted, an acknowledgment will be sent to a subscriber if
both the list and the subscriber enable it.

 > I hope I am explaining myself well, I am from Spain and my English
 > is not very good Sorry

Your English is fine, don't worry about it.  We appreciate your
concern and your effort to explain, but no apology needed.


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