There has been some relevant discussion of this issue before.

I had similar problems and many others. At the moment things work, but
Micorosft seems to be classifying 90% of the list mail as spam, and this
will ultimately hurt its "reputation" and lead to trouble.

My general advice is to look at your bounce messages and see where they are
coming from. Then look at the various block lists. is a good place to start, but it
doesn't cover everything. May places rely on spamhaus:  A few rely on And I've found that some apparently
small blockers (Talos, one in Russia, will actually respond to
email if you complain politely. (The one in Russia responds only in
Russian, but Google Translate does the job.) Microsoft has a complaint form
but it seems to go into a black hole.

Microsoft is here. Gives good general advice:

There are many things you can do to reduce messages to non-functioning
addresses. The bounce processor can be set to remove them. But you may also
be getting other bounces from bots trying to sign up for your list. 

If you use ipv6, then that raises many other issues, and your server staff
might be able to help by giving you a proper ipv6 address ending in /64. (I
can't tell you how crazy I think this business is.)

I don't want to go into detail here about ipv6 or bots. Bots have been
discussed here before. You may not use ipv6, but I can provide more advice
about that if it is the problem.

And, yes, it does help to set up spf and dkim, if you haven't. And gmail
requires a special addition to spf, but it seems you don't have trouble
with gmail (yet).

may help with Yahoo. I never had trouble with them, but they do mention
failed addresses.

For Comcast, I got on the phone with them. I was told to ask a Comcast
customer to complain. I did that, and it seemed to help. But other things
may have accounted for the improvement.

On 06/04/21 13:20, Kenneth Kron wrote:
> My hosting seems to be permanently banned by Yahoo and today Comcast started 
> bouncing them.
> I worked on the yahoo problem for a week with tech support and they never 
> seemed to make any progress.   Yesterday <> 
> started bouncing with an RBL notice.
> I’m ready to move my mailing list but I’m not sure where to and I’m wondering 
> how common this problem is and how to select a provider that is capable of 
> keeping my mailing list of the RBL’s.

Jonathan Baron, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
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