On 6/4/21 1:20 PM, Kenneth Kron wrote:
My hosting seems to be permanently banned by Yahoo and today Comcast started 
bouncing them.

There is much advice in the archives of this list including the reply from Jon in this thread, but all the suggestions regarding mail server configuration and black list removal are things for the admins of the mail server to do. In the case of a hosted list, the only thing a list owner can do is appeal to the hosting service to address these issues. Unfortunately, there are some hosting services that are unwilling or unable to do what's necessary to ensure that list mail can be delivered.

In these cases, the only recourse is to move your list. There is a list of providers at <https://wiki.list.org/COM/Mailman%20hosting%20services>. We hope that these providers are all able to actually support the Mailman service they provide.

In the past, Brian Carpenter of EMWD would have responded by now with an offer to support your list and help move it, but tragically, Brian recently died from a COVID virus infection. His family is continuing EMWDs services. We hope they will be able to continue to provide the level of service that Brian provided and wish them the best in that endeavor. You might check them out.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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