On 8 Nov 2013, at 17:45, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

I should also warn that moving messages from an online account to an offline account does not work well. Internally, MailMate never deletes a message from its source mailbox before it has been uploaded to the destination mailbox (when it's different accounts). There is actually no easy way to see this in MailMate (usually it's an intermediate state until synchronization), but it's possible to find these messages by using some internal virtual headers. I'll give this some thought.

I keep coming back to the theory that maybe MailMate should have an option for "offline accounts" which basically consists of running a virtual IMAP server on a non-standard port and keeping a separate copy of that account's messages. The appeal here is that it gives you two copies of that mail; the anti-appeal is that it gives you two copies of that mail. But if you care about reliable backups more than space, well.

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