On 16 May 2014 at 10:42:15 pm, Gary Hull (yh82d7...@yandex.com) wrote:
> If you have a lot of legacy e-mail in a Gmail account, then I certainly 
> understand that MailMate support for Gmail labels would be helpful. 
> But it sounds like you recently moved to Gmail. In that case, make 
> sure that you take a close look at MailMate's smart mailboxes, at at tags. 

I have just migrated but I've taken may my 15-year, 270k+ archive of email with 

> Tags are pretty much labels, but they don't map back and forth 
> to Gmail. After getting things set up, however, you really never need to  
> log into the Gmail web interface. It's a nice web app, but in theory you've  
> made the decision to go with a Mac-side client, perhaps because you  
> have a bunch of different accounts to track. So in that case, who cares  
> if the Gmail app doesn't show the tags as labels if you're not using the  
> web app?

That's the thing, I haven't made the decision to *just* go with a Mac-side 
client. I also heavily use the web interface when I'm dealing with email on 
other computers.
Alasdair Muckart | William de Wyke | http://wherearetheelves.net
"There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse
and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this man's
lawful prey." - John Ruskin, 1819-1900.

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