Thanks for the update!

Let me suggest to keep the „Design Crowd Funding Campaign“ alive. I believe that a lot of users (especially new users) do not even know about this campaign. It isn not really advertised. That is why I thought a little friendly reminder on this list might help. :-)

I believe an improved visual concept of MailMate would also help to get some UI issues solved or eased at least  (e.g. the issue with the „SideBar organisational tabs/menus“).


On 26 Feb 2016, at 11:14, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 26 Feb 2016, at 10:25, Thomas Eckhold wrote:

I wonder if you could and want to share some news about the project [„Graphics Designer“](

Oh, how time flies. Good question. I've been thinking I should take that down since it was probably not the best way to handle the issue of graphics and visual design. I rarely get contributions now and I believe it's at about 62%. Most of that money is already used on a new application icon which I'm using on my own version of MailMate right now.

Let me take this opportunity to do a small status update (just for this list). Some might have noticed that I'm some times using a version of MailMate with this `X-Mailer` header: `2.0BETAr6002`. This is almost identical to the 1.9.x releases except for two things: A lot of changes with regard to how HTML is handled when replying/forwarding (the achilles heel of MailMate) and a new headers view.

I don't usually have two branches of MailMate. Most of my changes and fixes are quickly released in 1.9.x test releases and this is how I prefer to work, but this has led to some confusion. A lot of users (and non-users) have the impression that I'm working on a huge new separate 2.0 release, but this has never been the case. MailMate has moved from version 1.5.3 to 1.9.3 since the crowd funding more than 2 years ago and as most of you know then the release notes are a mile long.

The reason I do have a separate 2.0 beta running myself now (again, only with a few new features) is that I want to change how I work on new features. The official 1.9.x releases are only going to be for fixes and minor changes and the 2.0 beta gets all the new features. When I think it's ready then I'll bump the beta to be the official MailMate 2.0 release and then go back to a single branch of development.

In other words, I hope to release the 2.0 beta as soon as possible to stop any speculation that something completely different than 1.9.x is in the works. The 2.0 beta is still too unstable to be released. To be honest, I'm not making progress as quickly as I would like -- primarily because of too much incoming email pointing out issues and bugs in the 1.9.x releases. I'm sure most of you know that feeling since you are using MailMate to handle your emails :-)

Hmm, I'm afraid I just added to the confusion now :-)

Have a nice weekend.

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