On 29 Feb 2016, at 9:31, r2news...@gmail.com wrote:

“Looks” are not just an aesthetic issue. The current interface has notable clumsiness in places, which slows down my ability to absorb information and to give commands. This is a general issue in all software, of course. The idea that “looks are orthogonal to usefulness” has been refuted by considerable research.

I hope I haven't indicated that this is my view on “looks” :-) A few parts of the visual appearance of MailMate are orthogonal to the behavior of MailMate though. These are the parts I can fairly easily hire someone to do for me (icons, stylesheets, and maybe a few more things) and this was the original thinking behind the mini crowd funding (which I've already indicated was probably not a very good idea despite the generosity of some of my users).

Fixing the “clumsiness in places” requires coding and that means me. The main resource for that is time and not money.

(With regard to both graphics and “clumsiness” there is an element of subjectivity as well. I'll never be able to satisfy everyone.)

So, I vote for the original plan of hiring someone to clean up the appearance. If you have the budget for some UI engineering, that would be even better.

Sorry, I don't have the budget for that and it's probably also unlikely to change. (If I ever hired someone then it would probably be to answer some of my incoming emails.)

As always I'll do my best to continue improving MailMate.

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