I think it worked! at least in part…
Apple mail and my iPhone show pretty much what mailmate shows in the inboxes.
That’s a relief.
But something is still strange: The Ucr/Google under SOURCES is still always spinning. And also there are still those “failed” attempts to delete folders. That has not changed.

On 12 May 2016, at 8:55, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 12 May 2016, at 16:38, Howard Wettstein wrote:

I’l work on it later this am. Meanwhile, Apple Mail shows not 138 messages as you saw, but rather 583 messages in the inbox, with 420 unread.

This is strange, but the goal is still to make MailMate show 138 messages, because that's what's in the account. I don't know why Apple Mail would show more than that.

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