On 1 Sep 2016, at 14:24, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 1 Sep 2016, at 21:20, Seebs wrote:

So is there a straightforward way to indicate "please only send plain text, even if I do a thing which might otherwise suggest I'm thinking about HTML"?

Not quite sure I understood the example, but you should configure MailMate to “Never embed” in the Composer preferences pane. You should also disable Markdown and not use the code highlighting or math features (all in the same preferences pane). I think that should result in MailMate never needing to generate HTML. If not, let me know.

Okay, science time.

On 1 Sep 2016, at 21:05, Seebs wrote:

I note also, on the main window, the toolbar no longer works in text-only.

... Hmm. It didn't do the thing, but it also didn't indent. The above text was copied from a thing in Archive, and had a pipe. (And I don't know whether it's generating HTML or not.)

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