On 8 Dec 2016, at 19:34, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:

I'm not quite sure which ones would work. Looking at the code indicates it has to be a binding which already has some kind of binding/purpose such that the text field converts it into a selector (even if that selector is `noop:`). This is why the old one worked. A bit of experimenting revealed that this should work:

    "^K"     = "send:";

Maybe you can use that for now (⌃⇧K).

I'll try it right after this reply…

It worked.

The only think that doesn't work anymore is applying the same keyboard shortcut for

- closing the BBEdit-window where I edit the MailMate-message and
- send it from MailMate

because ^K it's already a keybinding in BBEdit (deletes from cursor till the end of the current line).

So I’ll have to find something else…
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