Apologies in advance for the simple-minded newbie questions; I have just 
acquired Mailmate (How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty!)

I’m hoping to build a Smart Mailbox that contains:

- Emails I’ve sent
        - Over the past n days 
                - Which have not been answered. 

Once someone replies to an email, you have a conversation, and it’s possible to 
keep up.
But if you send a fair few emails, it’s easy to forget that someone has ignored 
your question. 

This article: https://lists.freron.com/mailmate/2014-September/003121.html

tries (but I think fails) to solve the problem of ‘ tell me when a sent email 
has been responded to.”

I want the opposite - a list of sent email that hasn’t been responded to. 

Currently I have a tag, ‘AwaitingReply’.

I can add this to an email in the Tag menu in the Composer.

So, I have a smart mailbox, AwaitingReply, that contains sent mails with that 

I have another  smart mailbox, ReplyReceived, that (per the article above) 
matches emails whose In-Reply-To has a Message_ID in AwaitingReply. 

So what I want to do is have a rule in ReplyReceived that removes the 
AwaitingReply tag from the matched email in Awaiting Reply. That way, when 
someone replies to an email, my AwaitingReply smart box will be decremented 

Is this possible? Or is there a more sensible way of achieving  my goal?

(If I sent an email last week, and there’s been no reply, I might reply myself 
with a reminder. This would remove the original email from AwaitingReply, but I 
would then tag the new email.) 

Many thanks for any suggestions!



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