Dear Topher,

In theory, yes it works! (Many thanks Benny!) 

Yes, I took Benny to mean create a third mailbox (which I named Reply 

And following Benny’s instructions, it works really nicely; you send an email, 
tagged, it appears in Awaiting Reply, and when a reply comes in, it disappears 
from Awaiting Reply. Beautiful!

There are some complexities which may or may not just be me.

(1) I cc colleagues a good deal, so I get multiple entries in Awaiting Reply. I 
haven’t yet worked out  whether a reply to one removes them all (and even worse 
I haven’t worked out whether that would be desired behaviour). Eg, if I email 
Tom , copying Dick and Harry, do I want to wait for replies from Dick and 
Harry? If not, I need to figure out how to exclude cced respondents from 
Awaiting Reply tags.

(2) I don’t keep many emails in the inbox - I have a series of rules (on the 
gmail server side) which move them to correspondence folders by domain. (E.G, 
email from, and will all be moved to an 
folder.)  So I had to amend Benny’s criteria. 

(3) I should probably add a date criterion so that emails ignored, and that I 
haven’t chased, disappear anyway after a week or two. Again, that’s a matter of 
figuring out desired behaviour more than anything else. 

But that aside, I *finally* - only about twenty years after wishing this 
feature existed - have found a client that does it. I am extremely pleased.

Hope that helps,

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