On 30 Nov 2021, at 17:13, Randall Meadows wrote:

I have this keybinding in a custom file:

"u" = {
    "u" = ( "markAsUnread:", "");

and it works just fine. I'm trying to create an analog to mark selected messages as READ, without luck; it just beeps at me after the second `r`. I've tried several things along the lines of

"r" = {
    "r" = ( "markAsRead:", "");

with and without that second argument, adding in (or using only) `"setTag:", "\\SEEN"`; what's the magic voodoo incarnation to get this working?


Upon further investigation, I'm now confused on how my w-w command is working, as `markAsUnread:` is NOT listed in <https://manual.mailmate-app.com/key_binding_selectors.html> . Help?

For what it’s worth, the following variation continues to work for me in 5850:

"u" = ( "toggleReadState:" );

I know this doesn’t answer your question. It’s just a possible alternative should you want to resort to it. Personally I find it confusing to have two shortcuts for a boolean option; it’s like having two switches on the same lamp, one for on and one for off.

Oddly, and possibly relatedly, at least one of my moving and filing key bindings doesn’t work on a Mac where BBEdit has been newly installed. The binding above does work and is in the same plist file, so I know the file is being found correctly. The mail account is the same as on the Mac where the binding works as expected, so it’s not that the mailbox doesn’t exist:

// Move to "Waiting"
"w" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "imap://<*address*>@mail.pobox.com/INBOX/Waiting" );

I can press w with a message selected until I grow old and die, and it doesn’t work on this second machine. I’m baffled.
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