On 1 Dec 2021, at 6:48, John Cooper wrote:
> On 30 Nov 2021, at 17:13, Randall Meadows wrote:
>> ....and it works just fine.  I'm trying to create an analog to mark selected 
>> messages as READ, without luck; it just beeps at me after the second `r`.  
>> I've tried several things along the lines of
>> "r" = {
>>     "r" = ( "markAsRead:", "");
>> };
>> with and without that second argument, adding in (or using only) `"setTag:", 
>> "\\SEEN"`; what's the magic voodoo incarnation to get this working?
>> –––––
>> Upon further investigation, I'm now confused on how my w-w command is 
>> working, as `markAsUnread:` is NOT listed in 
>> <https://manual.mailmate-app.com/key_binding_selectors.html>.  Help?
> For what it’s worth, the following variation continues to work for me in 5850:
> "u" = ( "toggleReadState:" );

I considered that, but logic tells me that it will be fruitless if my message 
selection contains both read and unread messages.
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