On 14 Apr 2023, at 7:09, John Doherty wrote:

If you want to leave liquidweb entirely, then you will have to have the DNS for the domain hosted elsewhere. Fastmail can do that for you or you could choose another DNS provider.

I don’t remember whether I got my staxman.net domain (later supplanted by my andrewbuc.com domain) first and my Fastmail account second, or vice versa. I think vice versa, but it’s been many years. I know I didn’t get them at the same time. I might very well have been happy havng my domain hosted by Fastmail, had things gone that way. As is, I’m happy with my domain hosted by Pair (I’ve already related my GoDaddy fiasco) and my Fastmail mailbox.

Another registrar:


In all honesty, I have no experience with them. But I see that an old acquaintance (with whom I’ve lost touch) has had the domain for his consulting business with them since around Xmas 1999.

At the risk of belaboring the point, Ken, you have choices.
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